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Application SecurityApplication Security
CTF- Capture The Flag.CTF
Malware AnalysisMalware Analysis
Android SecurityAndroid Security
Honeypots- Deception trap, designed to entice an attacker into attempting to compromise the information systems in an organization.Honeypots
Incident ResponseIncident Response
Vehicle Security and Car HackingVehicle Security and Car Hacking
Web Security- Security of web apps & services.Web Security
Lockpicking- The art of unlocking a lock by manipulating its components without the key.Lockpicking
Cybersecurity Blue Team- Groups of individuals who identify security flaws in information technology systems.Cybersecurity Blue Team
Fuzzing- Automated software testing technique that involves feeding pseudo-randomly generated input data.Fuzzing
Embedded and IoT SecurityEmbedded and IoT Security
GDPR- Regulation on data protection and privacy for all individuals within EU.GDPR